Tuesday, March 30, 2010

15 month check up...

Today Abby had her 15 month check up/shots and Cade went along for Support, Question's, Aggravation and a sticker! The poor doc, everything that she checked out on Abby - CAde would say hey, "do that to me" or hey "let me see that" "Can you hear my heart?" "whats in my ears?" Geez!! Cade had asked her sooo many question's that at the end of the visit the dr. asked do YOU have anymore question's (talking to me of course) and she started to laugh. I said No but I'm sure CAde does! HA! Oh, & he did!
At the end of the visit they were both given a sticker & Cade tried to snag poor Abby's from her after she just got shots.!! Poor Abby, it's got to be tough being the squirt in the family. You can't even keep your sticker you were given for getting three (THREE) shots in your legs. (for all of you worried about Abby's sticker I made CAde give her the sticker back, of course, it was not the one she was originally given. For some reason he had to swap with her!) Have a good Tuesday!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spaghetti and Meatballs!

O.k., I thought I would throw this in, I organized Abby's bows yesterday. This is not all of them and it does not include her headbands. I may have a problem!?! note to self, quit buying bows....

It's a date!

Saturday was Cade's Play"date" with his girlfriend Ainnsley at chic-fila! I love these photos of her folding her arms, she would get so fed up with Cade at points in the "date." She is sooo sweet and is so girly even the way she ate was proper. And then there is CADE, he is such a boy! He was all over the place in her food picking at her while she ate, heck he even wanted her toy that she got in her kids meal - Hello?, thats not very gentlemanly (is that a word?) They argue like a old married couple, it was wonderful.!. I couldn't be happier with my boys pick for a girlfriend, even though he is only 4!! too funny!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just a little project I've been working on for the littlest feet in out house, aren't they cute & fun! Those are balloons, I've wrapped around the top of the flop, whtdya think? (Robbie do not comment, I know what you'll think :))))

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter outfits...

There Easter shirts came in how cute, They are from lisagorno on Etsy you should check her out! I love to do brother sister shirts., especially now while they will let me. They were excited last night when I pulled them out of the box. I also ordered Ms. Abby Hope this bow from MaciesCustomBowZ who is also on Etsy,"adorable!" She has some of the cutest bows I've seen in a while.
I can't wait to send them out in these.!

Monday, March 22, 2010

It's Monday

Well, here we are another week. Another week of worky worky, another week of terrorizing poor mommy before we get to worky worky another week of Cade get dressed, Cade are you dressed? Cade? Cade can you hear me? (crickets) Cade, hello? Abby let's get dressed, Abby come to mommy, Abby where are you? Abby quit doing that! Abby come here!, Abby lets get dressed!!! It's so much fun trying to get ready for work and school in the morning.! Will you just look at this baby with her fuzzy chickens on her head and her ice cream necklace, she loves to dress up! She was actually well behaved yesterday at the grocery store and Home Depot, which I guess was giving me a break from the day before. We (G-ma Nancy, me, kids) went shopping on Saturday and Abby was a HOT MESS!!! She will not sit in the stroller and she is very independant, she does not want you to hold her hand. She justs wants to walk around like the rest of us, like a big girl. But, she is a roamer, so it is very stressfull and active!! You have to be ready to run with Abby!
Have a good Monday!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Sorry I have not posted anything in the last couple of days but I think you can see by these pics I've been busy!!! I have had some type of crud over the weekend into Monday which is always fun with the energy level that the bub and bubbette have! Oh & Grandma Nancy got to see Ms. Abby in full on mode this weekend at lunch and at the grocery store. Grandma Nancy said oh, I'll have her sitting in that buggy, HA! needless to say Abby won, it took her about 5 minutes. I don't think that she can be defeated. She is powerful!!! Cade went to a birthday party on Saturday for his buddy Preston were he atatcked a pinata like nobody's business, if he plays baseball like he try's to beat things to get candy out of, we will be in good shape! The top pic is funny he fell asleep like that!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Here she is Ms. America! Oh, Geez what a mug!! I'd like to tell you a few things about this darling, sweet child of mine, thats right Robbie calls her mine! He says is it my fault she throws these fits!, Hello?? What have I done to make this child throw fits? According to him and a few others (her teachers) I baby her!! Wait, Wait, WAIT!! Isn't she a baby? She is only 1. 1!!!! And she is my last baby, the last diaper wearer the last crib dweller the last I only have two teeth to bite you with, the last midnight 2am,3am,5am partier, the last I can't talk so I have to point at everything - well you get the idea!

She is alot different from My first Baby, he was such a blob, that's right blob.. We would go to the grocery store, Wally World, Target the mall anywhere and he would peacefully and happily just ride and smile. Not this last one.!! She will not sit, not in a restaurant not in the grocery store not in Wally World not in Target and I would not even tempt the mall. Abby is verrrry busy and If you try to take her independance away (keep her from killing herself) she will throw the biggest fit you have ever seen! See pic above. She will throw her body on the floor and start kicking!! (oh, anyone want to babysit?) & she is very strong, Robbie laughs at this but it's true - she can overpower me, I do not have very much upper body strength:( & Cade gets a huge kick out of her fits. Abby sometime's puts her head to the ground when she starts to throw one, and Cade will yell out "Head to the Ground, Head to the Ground!!" and then he will start running around the house! Yeah, it's crazy here!!!

Something's that Ms. Abby (Princess, Crab cakes, bubbette) does not like are:

highchairs, me talking on the phone, buggies, not walking, going to school, getting dressed (nakie is prefered!) , getting to close to the dog, she likes to love the dog from afar., (abby is already strange, like her daddy!:) love ya honey!) Bub taking her toy away from her. Anyone brushing their teeth without her brushing her teeth. Cade getting the first french fry.

Something's she love's:

Mommy, she is a mommy's girl,! Daddy, she is a daddy's girl!, Bub, she is a bubba's girl! (wait I don't think Im the only one who babies her, anywho) French fries, bobs (her bottle,cup) hanging out in her sleep dress all day, her pony (thanks grandpa david - if I hear ride em cowboy one more time!!!) her blankets (she must have 3 to go to bed) her rainforest crib thingy, she will turn it on herself sometimes.,!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Potty training 101

Usually you sit on the potty, not Abby she thinks that you put one or both feet in it & hang your butt over the side! For those of you cringing this is a kid potty not the real one, she is not sticking her feet in toilet water., although I don't think she would care.

Paging Dr. Pennington, Dr. Cade Pennington!!!

They have been having career day at Cade's school & have asked for Dr.'s, fireman, postal workers ect.. to come in and talk with the kids (you notice how Insurance agent was not on that list) any who, they had a nurse come in on Moday to talk with the kids and Cade got a bag of Goodies! Needless to say he was a dr. as soon as we walked out of the school. I think he has potential to be a dr. (just look at these pics!) What do you mean you don't want him to perform surgery with his feet, you're just being difficult, I tell you!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Coupon Girl!!!

When I was a little girl my mom would call me the coupon girl when I went to the grocery store with her. I would hold the coupons while she shopped, it was a very important job! I thought now that I have a little girl she could be my "coupon girl", It's obviously too early for her to have this position. She tries to EAT the coupons - there's nothing like the taste of paper. She really doesn;t swallow it, she chews it and then spits it back out. I know, I know we are glamourous at the grocery store! Then she won't sit in the buggy Exhibit A,B and C below., she has to ramble, she is very independant. She even gets things off the shelf and hands them to me and I am impressed with how they go together like face wash and moisturizer, she is a genious I tell you!!! And although this grocery store process takes a good 2 hours, It's worth it. Although I think I went about this coupon thing the wrong way, we may have to have a coupon BOY! And speaking of Mr. CAde he is definantly a character!! We always are telling him about strangers and not to talk with them, we even do scenarios with him like if a strangers says do you want to see my puppy, do you want candy ect. to say No and run. Well Cade had his own scenario to give us this weekend that we thought was pretty hilarious, he said "If a stranger says, hey you want some hot dogs, I'm gonna say NO!" HOT DOGS! where does he come up with this stuff?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Donut Date with Abby!!

So we had to go to the donut place this morning before we dropped Abby off and when we got there Cade was like "Abby's comming in?" I said "yes!" I took her out of the car seat and went over to get Cade out of his seat and again he said, "Abby's comming in?" I said "Do you want me to leave her out in the parking lot?" He said "No." So we went in and Cade said "were eating it here?" I said "No, we have to eat it in the car on the way to school, because we are runing late!" Needless to say he was not happy about that, but as soon as he got his donuts he was happy. I said "give your sister a donut" and he gave her one that he was almost finished eating and he acted like he was doing her a favor! He is a character!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess

Yesterday was Dr. Suess's birthday and of course they celebrated at school. They had green eggs & ham! (oh the things kids will eat!) It's so funny to me to see Cade dressed up as the Cat in the Hat considering The Cat in the Hat is the reason he says he can't sleep in his room and has to sleep in our room. Thats right, for some unknown reason Cade says he is afraid of the Cat in the Hat?? If you have ever seen the Mike Myers version you may know why! But he does look adorable though, doesn't he!! I love the fact that his teach painted whiskers on his face.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rambler Harrasment!

Rambler's harrasing each other!

Ramblers harrasing the dog! Rambling


See that hand, it's starting - here is comes!

uh oh!

This is my morning every day! They go thru everything, they throw it all on the floor, they attatck each other, she smacks him, he pushes her down then there laughing & then they do it all over again!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Back to Business!

Were back running today! Both kids are in school & Abby seems much, much better. She had to change antibiotics over the weekend due to a mysterious rash that popped up on her belly & back but she's been taking her meds and should be making a full recovery! Luckily she has been sleeping all night the last couple of nights too! Cade has been "helping" with his baby sister too!