Monday, June 21, 2010

Yelli Kelli!

I'm in love with Yelli Kelli, she is a awesome seller on Etsy! Anyone who knows me knows that me and Etsy are BFF'S, if you've not been on you must go and you must look at Yelli Kelli - Gorgeous!!! ( I was her 100th customer and being so I was going to get a free gift, woohoo!! I was excited! I had no idea she was going to send me the above nightgown for my little squishy, look at it - IT IS BEAUTIFUL! I was beside myself, I had just mentioned that I thought it was the bee's knees and she sent it along with the wonderful book mark for my summer reading as my PRIZE!! The original purchases I made were the cutey tutey fishstick pillow for my bubs room which is also hand painted - this woman is extremly talented and the Goose Feathers dress!! Look at that dress!! Have you seen anything cuter?!?! I'll post pics soon of my squish modeling them.!

1 comment:

  1. OooOOoOoOOH! It looks like YelliKelli's "other" blog! Too Fun! Thanks so much for the mention! I'm glad you are a fan, glad-er that you are a friend! :)
