I'm in love with Yelli Kelli, she is a awesome seller on Etsy! Anyone who knows me knows that me and Etsy are BFF'S, if you've not been on you must go and you must look at Yelli Kelli - Gorgeous!!! (yellikelli.etsy.com) I was her 100th customer and being so I was going to get a free gift, woohoo!! I was excited! I had no idea she was going to send me the above nightgown for my little squishy, look at it - IT IS BEAUTIFUL! I was beside myself, I had just mentioned that I thought it was the bee's knees and she sent it along with the wonderful book mark for my summer reading as my PRIZE!! The original purchases I made were the cutey tutey fishstick pillow for my bubs room which is also hand painted - this woman is extremly talented and the Goose Feathers dress!! Look at that dress!! Have you seen anything cuter?!?! I'll post pics soon of my squish modeling them.!
OooOOoOoOOH! It looks like YelliKelli's "other" blog! Too Fun! Thanks so much for the mention! I'm glad you are a fan, glad-er that you are a friend! :)