Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm Blogging!!!

I feel so cool, I have started a blog! I have no idea what I am doing though! The hubs is gonna have to help me with this. But you have to start from somewhere:)

So today was Valentine's Day at the kids school! Boy was Cade excited.. Anything at school that does not include actual work is good for him. Everyday this week he has woke up and asked is today Valentine's day? When I tell him no he gets mad and then tries to get out of going to school by telling me he is sick and something hurts but can never pinpoint what it is that hurts! Hello!? He does have a girlfriend at school, which he has had for a while now (ahhh, young love) and got her a picture of himself in a heart frame - which we thought was so Cade. We could just see it on her night stand now. We did finish his Valentine's cards last night, which to be honest was really more of me finishing his Valentine's cards and don't even get me started on Abby's! Does a 1 year old really need to hand out Valentine's?, she is probably just gonna try to eat them!

Abby is having her first school party today, so she thought that she should dress for the occasion. She had on her best tutu! I'm sure when I bring her in they are like where is she going?, this is daycare (school, I like to call it school - makes me feel better). But she is a girl and I'm sure I only have a few more years of being in control of what she wears ala Cade Robert! You should see some of the outfits that kid puts together.! I guess I should have some pics of them going off to their parties but I'm really so computer illiterate (did I spell that right)? I will try to have the hubs show me soon!

Love ya,
Cade & Abby's mommy

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